Tuesday, October 20, 2009

She shakes her head.

My life has been rather stressful recently.

I got offered a job at Methodist West, which I've been pining over for months, but now I feel a little conflicted. Not because of the job, I want the job, but because I've gotten so attached to my friends at Mercy. Luckily I was asked to stay PRN. So I get the best of both worlds. I get to do what I specialized in, and I get my friends. Can't beat that.

I think that working nights has made Steven and I a lot closer (not that we weren't before) and I hope that doesn't change once I'm back working days. It seems like the time we do have together is a lot more important now, since half the time we'll go several days and barely see each other. It's amazing that after almost 4 years I don't feel the least bit burnt out. I'm lucky.

We're also getting a puppy!!! His name is Cash. And I love him. He's already spoiled rotten and he doesn't even know who we are.

Anyways, I should probably go do something productive. Later :)